xDrill™ includes a built-in range of smart features, integrated tools, and advanced controls that add brains to the brawn you expect from a serious power drill.
Introducing the NEW SNAPPER SHEAR PRO! It attaches to any drill motor! You can now cut HardieBacker® cleaner and faster, in ANY SHAPE and ANYWHERE. Cuts 1/4" — 1/2" backer board. Straight, right-angle, and curve cuts. Circle cuts as small as 3" diameter. Reduces airborne silica dust. You can easily cut indoors with less mess and it adjusts for right and left-handed users!
The first and only cordless Worm Drive saw gives you legendary SKILSAW power to go anywhere. Powered by the TRUEHVL™ battery, designed specifically for our legendary Worm Drive saw. The brushless motor responds to challenging applications by boosting power and torque, and all-magnesium construction makes it lightweight and tough. TRUEHVL™ features a unique battery design that maximizes heat dissipation, patented Stay Cool™ technology that wraps each cell in a temperature controlling material, and intelligent power management that monitors and optimizes each cell. More info here: bit.ly/2NuYTbO
Dank des ergonomischen Griffs und der automatischen Anpassung der Spannweite sorgt die Kantenzwinge dabei für eine einfache Handhabung. Sie lässt sich mit nur einer Hand bedienen, sodass die zweite Hand frei bleibt. Die weichen und rutschhemmende Zonen sichern und schonen zugleich das Werkstück.
Du hast Fragen oder ein Problem? Unser Kundenservice kann Dir mit Sicherheit weiterhelfen: 49 2655 5128
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