Хотите отправить сообщение в будущее? Машина времени для этого не нужна. Напишите обычное письмо, герметично упакуйте и спрячьте в надежном месте. Через пару сотен лет капсулу времени найдут, и потомки получат ваше сообщение!
Звучит слишком фантастично?
И все-таки это работает!
Ученые обнаружили множество капсул времени, которые оставили наши далекие предки.
О чем же рассказывают голоса из прошлого?
This is a really old video! We keep it on Youtube because its been really popular, but really — weve come a long way since 2015. You should see us now!
What happens if your walk-in closet was the same size as your bedroom which was as big as your living room? Make each room bigger with the touch of a button.
Check out this beautiful custom fish tank in kitchen island with magnificent freshwater fish. The island ends and continues with butcher block that wraps the front of the Island. This custom Aquarium is view able on all sides and is aquascaped with natural manzanita wood.
Fuel your creativity and add a modern, uncluttered aesthetic to your workspace.
Cliclap is a dynamic magnetic wall-mounted organization system and vertical garden designed to help you declutter and organize. Fully customizable to your space, your specialism and your work style, keep all your things right where you need them.
Our mission is to create cutting-edge organization solutions for small-space living. But we don’t just want practical, we want beautiful as well.
For your home, this means less clutter, more space and a style upgrade.
For you, this means increased productivity, efficiency and creativity.