Укладка настенной плитки в ванной — подробная инструкция для начинающих мастеров по укладке своими руками.
Как положить плитку на неровные стены, как вывести плоскость плитки и сохранить уровень шва на всех стенах, обрезка и заусовка плитки и многое другое.
In this video Im going to show you how to form, pour and stamp a concrete patio slab.
This is a backyard concrete patio that will look like Ashlar Slate when we are done stamping the concrete.
First, I show you how to build the forms for the slab. This includes measuring the lengths, screwing them together, squaring the forms and staking them in place.
Im also using my Topcon HL5-B self leveling laser level to set the forms to grade/ This is the easiest laser level to use for this kind of work in my opinion.
Second, I show you how to pour the concrete for the patio slab. We spread out the concrete, mag float our edges and screed it level off the tops of the forms. Then I bull float the concrete to smoothen the surface and prepare it for stamping.
Third, I show you how to stamp the concrete using my Ashlar slate stamps. These stamps go together kinda like a puzzle, they have to go in a specific direction and inter-connect or the pattern will not come out right.
Forth, I show you how I saw cut expansion joints and power wash the concrete to prepare it for sealing.
Fifth, I show you what concrete sealer I like to use on my stamped concrete jobs and how to apply it.
Изготовления печатного (штампованного) бетона. Подготовка основания, армирование и укладка бетона производится обычным способом. После того как поверхность бетона выровнена начинается его декоративная обработка После чего на ещё сырой бетон укладываются текстурные формы и аккуратно продавливаются с помощью ручной трамбовки.
Инстаграм: www.instagram.com/vords_master/
En este vídeo encontrará el paso a paso para estampar concreto.
° Concrete Color Negro C-105 y Ocre C-115
° Moldes MC-02 y MT-16
° Desmoldante en Polvo Café y Gris
° Sellador Acrílico Semilustre
How to do a hand carved flagstone concrete overlay wall, outdoor kitchen, fireplace or seat wall is an easy and less expensive way to get the look of flagstone, boulders, cut stone, castle stone...without the weight, mess or cost of using real flagstone, stone or stone veneer. The benefits are...less cost, easier to apply, 100% coverage to the substrate means no delamination or water intrusion that can cause damage. Classic or custom looks, and incredibly beautiful rock and boulder looks...that are actually concrete, so it has 3000 psi when dry and will last as long as concrete.