
Stamped Concrete Floor | DIY

Now with SureStamp overlay, floor stamps are a super easy for DIYers and extremely profitable for contractors. Make your patio, pool or any floor look awesome!

Our Website- globmarble.com/

Written instructions- globmarble.com/download/how-to-written-instruction-floor-stamp.pdf

Materials used for this project:

Painters Tape- Found at Any Local Hardware Store

Wood Primer- Found at Any Local Hardware Store

Concrete Degreaser/Acid Cleaner- globmarble.com/concrete-cleaner-super-concrete-renovator-scr.html

Floor Grinder- Found at Any Local Hardware Store

Self Leveling Concrete- Found at Any Local Hardware Store

Industrial Bucket- globmarble.com/index.php?route=product/search

Concrete Stencils - Using Stencils on Exterior Concrete

Concrete stencils are used on exterior concrete to create patterns in freshly poured concrete. The stencil pattern is typically colored using color hardener, floated into the slab, and then textured with concrete texture skins. Find out when paper stencils are used and see them being used.

Learn more about concrete stencils:

Shop for concrete stencils:

Stay up-to-date: Sign up for the monthly Bob and Lee Ann Harris Newsletter:

How To Stencil Tiles On Cement Outdoor Patio

In this video, Cutting Edge Stencils wants to show you how EASY it is to stencil an outdoor cement patio! Tiles stencils are an AFFORDABLE alternative to real tiles,. Tiles and replacing old cement is expensive and a hassle and can take months to replace. Tile stencils are great because when the time comes to change your home decor and accent floor patterns, all you have to do is sand the floor down and paint over it. Then, you can paint and stencil your next floor stencil pattern! Tile stencils are great because they come in all of your favorite tile designs. You might love a certain tile pattern but it might only come in a few select colors. The BEST part about tile stencils is that you can customize your favorite tile stencil patterns in any color that matches your home!

* S T E N C I L S *

In this video we used the Diamant Tile Stencil: www.cuttingedgestencils.com/diamant-tile-stencil.html

Check out all of our tile stencils here: www.cuttingedgestencils.com/tile-stencils-cement-tile-stencil-designs-floor-tiles.html

* S U P P L I E S *

Cutting Edge Stencils has all the stenciling supplies and materials you need to succeed for your DIY stenciling home improvement projects! Browse all stenciling supplies here: www.cuttingedgestencils.com/stencils-stenciling-supplies-stencil-brushes.html

* M O R E. S T E N C I L S *

Cutting Edge Stencils makes more than just stencils for floors! Stencils can be used on almost any surface!

For more Stencil Wall Inspiration, check out our How To Stencil walls playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsalC1ZwwdM6iCpmG1YXF4ztQM4ssYX5u

* H O W TO S T E N C I L F L O O R S *

Learn how to stencil on floors here: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsalC1ZwwdM5ni8NZqtOPDdC-ioXlsbFx

Check out all of our tiles stencils for floors here: www.cuttingedgestencils.com/tile-stencils-cement-tile-stencil-designs-floor-tiles.html

* H O W TO S T E N C I L F U R N I T U R E *

Learn how to stencil on furniture here: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsalC1ZwwdM60eRGCub_CfgHmCHeBCGmX

Check out all of our stencils for furniture here: www.cuttingedgestencils.com/stencils-for-furniture-stencil-project-ikea-hacks.html

* M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N *

Stenciling walls is super easy! Check out www.cuttingedgestencils.com/ to see other stencil designs. Who knows, you might even stumble across the perfect stencil design for your wall that can help you transform your space! Shop exclusively on Amazon, Houzz, or Etsy? We sell our stencils there too!

Here are the links to our online shops! Amazon: www.amazon.com/l/7680101011
Houzz: www.houzz.com/pro/janna-makaeva
Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/CuttingEdgeStencils

For more stenciling inspiration, you can go to our website (https://www.cuttingedgestencils.com) or follow us on:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Cutting.Edge.Stencils
Instagram: @cuttingedgestencils
Pinterest: Cutting Edge Stencils
Twitter: @cestencils
Our Blog: www.cuttingedgestencils.com/blog
Subscribe with our channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com/cuttingedgestencils/

We love collaborating with DIYers on all social media platforms, leave us a message if you would like to stencil and be featured www.cuttingedgestencils.com/contact-cutting-edge-stencils.html
If youre proud of a stenciling project made with Cutting Edge Stencils designs, submit photos to Facebook or Instagram and we will give you a shoutout!

In this video, Cutting Edge Stencils wants to show you how EASY it is to stencil an accent wall! Wall stencils are an AFFORDABLE alternative to wallpaper. Wallpaper is expensive and a hassle to apply and remove. Wall stencils are great because when the time comes to change your home decor and accent wall patterns, all you have to do is sand the wall down and paint over it. Then, you can paint and stencil your next wall stencil pattern! Wall stencils are great because they come in all of your favorite wallpaper designs. You might love a certain wallpaper pattern but it might only come in a few select colors. The BEST part about wall stencils is that you can customize your favorite stencil patterns in any color that matches your home!

Colored Concrete Driveway - Amazing Concrete and Cement Working

We present you colored concrete driveway and amazing concrete and cement working! Your mind will be going on another level!
More info:
— 1. West Coast Custom Concrete
Concrete driveway

2. All Seasons Contractors
Patio Pour

3. Concrete design system
Solid Color Staining Concrete

4. Procrete Dublin
Imprinted Concrete

5. West Coast Custom Concrete
Concrete Stairway

— Thanks for watching! Subscribe to our channel — Brainstorm HQ and you will be the first to see the latest technology!

— Our channel: www.youtube.com/c/BrainstormHQ

Twitter: twitter.com/HqBrainstorm

Instagram: instagram.com/brainstorm_hq

Here you can find Amazon links on tools for working with concrete:

1. SKILSAW SPT79A-10 7" Walk Behind Worm Drive for Concrete
2. Concrete Finishers Tote Kit 48" Float Mb48Rb 17 8Asu Bf9
3. Concrete Bull Float 48" With Rock It 2.0 Bracket
4. Kraft Tool CC952B Double Roller Tamp with 1-3/4-Inch Diameter
5. Bon 82-204 5-Foot Rum Runner Aluminum Straightedge
6. TOMAHAWK Gas Concrete Power Screed Cement Finishing Vibrating Motor
7. Stark 2.0HP Gas Vibration Compaction Force Construction Plate
8. Kraft Tool CC893 6x1-1/2«x1-1/2» Buckeye Straightedge w/Level Vial

Also, you can find Amazon links on cool garden tools:

1. Sun Joe TJ604E 16-Inch 13.5 AMP Electric Garden Tiller/Cultivator
2. Greenworks 16-Inch 40V Cordless Lawn Mower
3. Greenworks G-MAX 40V Cordless String Trimmer and Leaf Blower
4. Milwaukee Electric Tools 2727-21HD Chainsaw Kit
5. Milwaukee M18 FUEL Hedge Trimmer
6. WORX WG547 20V (2.0Ah) Power Share Cordless Turbine Blower
7. BYUEE Gardening Tool Set, 12 Pieces Garden Hand Tools Gifts for Gardener
8. SUPALAK 100ft Expandable Garden Hose


Concreto Estampado - Muestra 5

En este vídeo encontrará el paso a paso para estampar concreto.
° Concrete Color Negro C-105, Salmón C-134 y Verde Claro C-142
° Moldes MT-23 Piedra Pegada Tipo Laja
° Desmoldante en Polvo Gris, Terracota y Verde Pino
° Sellador Acrílico Semilustre
Los productos e insumos que aparecen en el vídeo los podrá adquirir en:





