
Epoxy Resin River Table Tutorial - Pro Guide

GlassCast 50 Epoxy Resin was from www.glasscastresin.com

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Video tutorial showing how to create a resin river table using GlassCast 50 epoxy resin, some live-edge wood and a translucent tinting pigment. Weve included all the steps along the way including calculating how much resin youll need, creating the barriers, pigmenting and pouring the resin, attaching the legs and finishing the surface.

Links to all the products used in the project (on the Easy Composites website):

► GlassCast 50 Epoxy Resin www.glasscastresin.com/glasscast-50-epoxy-casting-resin
► Polypropylene Sheet www.glasscastresin.com/polypropylene-sheet
► Translucent Tinting Pigment www.glasscastresin.com/resin-tinting-pigments
► Release Tape www.glasscastresin.com/resin-barrier-release-tape
► Abrasive Paper www.glasscastresin.com/abrasive-paper
► NW1 Polishing Compound www.glasscastresin.com/nw1-epoxy-cutting-compound
►Our piece of English Yew was sourced from Exotic Hardwoods UK Ltd www.exotichardwoodsukltd.com/

►FREE eBook available to download here media.glasscastresin.com/project-downloads/How-to-Make-a-Resin-River-Table-Handbook.pdf

If you have any questions, please just ask in the comments below!

DIY Epoxy Table - How To Resin and Wood Table - How To Woodworking

Learn from my mistakes. Ive made dozens of epoxy tables and each time I learn something new and this build was no exception. Follow along my step by step guide to making your own DIY epoxy and wood table in this thorough build. I even tried an all new extra deep pour epoxy that had some very interesting results.

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Beer Bottle Cap Table Tutorial Using Bottle Caps and Epoxy Resin

After the success of the UK Penny Floor Project I wanted to have a go at a new project, one ive been wanting to try for ages.....a bottle cap table.

I sourced a table from well known furniture company and bought some bottle caps from eBay. I used kitchen work surface edging to edge the table and GlassCast epoxy resin as a top coat.

So over the weekend i set about putting my project into action and by Monday morning the table was done and ready to use.

I filmed the whole process and have put together this little how-to tutorial video which I hope you will enjoy. Full list of materials as follows:

Occasional Table from Argos
Kitchen Edging from B

How-To Install Epoxy Natural Stone Flooring

Did you know that Everlast Natural Stone is not just for patios and garages?
It is also great for basements, family rooms, game rooms, utility rooms or, because it is the most cleanable floorin option available — even in the kitchen! See youtu.be/tK-ZHqLLLzA to watch how easily and thoroughly it can be cleaned.
Everlast® Natural Stone is the world’s cleanest, healthiest, and safest flooring solution.
To learn more, visit www.everlastepoxy.com/natural-stone-flooring
We developed this floor because our customers wanted a floor that can be easily and thoroughly cleaned. So we developed the world’s cleanest, healthiest, and safest flooring solution.
When your floors are made up of lots of small stones, with lots of “room to breath” between them, you can actually clean the top, inside, AND bottom.
Tile grout stains easily because it is porous, while you can see the stains on the surface, can you imagine the bacteria that could be lurking deeper inside the grout? Now you can take back your time, there is no need to spend hours of tedious endless scrubbing because Everlast® Natural Stone can be installed right over top of your tile!
Here’s how it works. Your affordable machine will spray some of the food-grade Everlast® Floor Care Cleaner that we provide you and it will instantly travel through your flooring all the way to the bottom where your spill is trapped. It’ll wash away any debris, including any bacteria or mold, and then vacuum suck all the liquid back up.
If you would like to learn more then schedule a Free “Ask Me Anything About Flooring” Consultation Call by calling (800) 708-9870 today and we’ll be happy to answer any and all of your questions!

Everlast Natural Stone is very easy to install.
Full instructions and tool list needed is here: www.everlastepoxy.com/how-to-install-natural-stone-floors

EPOXY RIVER TABLE without slabs . Эпоксидная смола

In this wood project we will show how to make an epoxy table river. When making an diy epoxy table, we use knotted poplar veneer and plywood. And also to make a diy table elegantly thin that is impossible at use of slabs. Thank you for viewing. You can also view our previous work with epoxy resin.

В этом видео по изготовление мебели своими руками мы покажем, как сделать стол река из эпоксидной смолы без использования слеба. При изготовлении, стол с епоксидки своими руками мы используем шпон и фанеру. Благодаря этому методу мы можем сэкономить значительную часть эпоксидной смолы. А также как сделать стол нарядно тонким, что невозможно при использовании слеба. Спасибо за просмотр. Вы также можете просмотреть наши предыдущие работы с эпоксидной смолой. www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy1w3XZSQdg


Композиция «Laserdisc» принадлежит исполнителю Chris Zabriskie. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Оригинальная версия: chriszabriskie.com/honor/.
Исполнитель: chriszabriskie.com/

Song: Sappheiros — A World Away (feat. Alli Carter)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported
Video Link: youtu.be/9u0bS-mLze4

Song: Sappheiros — Falling (Ft. eSoreni)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported
Video Link: youtu.be/nrSiVf-rX4o

Song: Bayza

How To: Penny Floor with Epoxy

Check out our website at: www.countertopepoxy.com

Step-by-step instructions on how to epoxy a penny floor using FX Poxy Flooring. Create a clear, thick, and durable surface that will protect your floor and create a seamless surface over the pennies. FX Poxy is UV resistant and is very scratch resistant.

Countertop Epoxy provides metallic countertop epoxy kits to coat over existing countertops or new ones. Our products are all food safe, heat resistant, UV resistant, and scratch resistant making this epoxy the best epoxy for countertops. This coating is also zero VOC so there will be no odor or toxic fumes when applying the product. Our DIY epoxy countertop kits provide simple steps and video guides to create a custom, durable countertop that will last you a lifetime. At Countertop Epoxy, our goal is to provide our customers with the best support and guidance so their experience from start to finish with our products is always easy and enjoyable.

0:08 Skim coat preparation
0:20 Mixing flooring epoxy
0:36 Spreading skim coat
1:43 Spraying alcohol
1:54 Flood coat preparation
2:04 Spreading flood coat

Check out the product here: www.countertopepoxy.com/fx-poxy-clear-flooring-epoxy/

We did this floor for one of our Resin Workshops. Our workshops are full of fun, hands-on training. Check out our next classes if you would like to learn more: www.countertopepoxy.com/epoxy-resin-workshop/

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